QuickTasks Manual

QuickTasks for Act! is the fastest way to create, delegate, clear, and followup on activities & small projects without ever opening Act!. Whether you work by yourself, or manage a large team, QuickTasks for Act! helps you be better organized, plan better, get more done, and with less effort.



  • QTFA is compatible with Act! Pro or Premium v18 or later with SDK Connection
  • QTFA is compatible with Act! Premium v18 or later with WebAPI Connection using Act! Premium (with Act! Connect Link), Act! Premium Cloud with the Act! Web API available, or Act! CRM SaaS
  • QTFA is also compatible with Webplanner.com (sold separately)
  • All users connecting with the WebAPI must have Standard security role or higher, and be assigned Web API permission.
  • Outlook integration requires a 32-bit version of Offi ce 2010 or higher.
  • MS Offi ce 2010 or newer (32-bit only)





Close Act! and run the setup through to completion. There are no configurable options to worry about, and when the setup is complete the program will launch in trial mode.


Click tools from the dropdown menu, select preferences, and you will see three choices - Act! connection, e-mail, and defaults.

Select Act! Connection to start.

Connect to Act! Via” drop down offers three options: Web API, SDK, and None

  • Web API generally involves a non-local database that is either hosted with Act!, hosted with an authorized Hosting Provider (HPP), or on your network. You can learn more about the Web API at www.Keystroke.ca/connections
  • SDK stands for Software Development Kit and is the connection method for local installations of Act!. In other words, if you have access your database with locally installed copy of Act! on your computer, you should pick SDK
  • None is for those that want to manage their tasks completely within QuickTasks for Act!


If you select “Web API”, you’ll need to know the Web API URL (not to be confused with your login URL for Act! Cloud), your database name, and your login credentials. Once these are entered, click “Save Connection”, and then “Test Connection” to verify. If the connection is successful, the user count in your database will display below.


If it isn’t successfully, either your Web API is not running, or your credentials or API details are invalid. If you believe them to be accurate, you can go to https://testapi.kqc.ca and test them there.

For SDK, you need only enter the path to your database PAD fi le and your database credentials. Once this information is entered, again click Save Connection”, and then “Test Connection” to verify. If the connection is successful, the user count in your database will display below.

  • If needed, you can toggle between SDK and Web API, and your connection settings will be saved for each.
  • Selecting “None” will grey out all fields


  1. This section of the preferences is where users enter their SMTP settings so database users can be notified by email when you delegate a Task to them. Customers are responsible for ascertaining their own SMTP information as QuickTasks for Act! can only verify the settings inputted. If uncertain, please contact your email provider.
QuickTasks Email Settings

For example, Gmail users settings would be as follows:

  1. SMTP server: smtp.gmail.com
  2. From Name: Typically First and Last Name
  3. From email: [email protected]
  4. Username: [email protected]
  5. Password: your gmail password
  6. Use Authentication: Check the box
  7. Use SSL: Check the box
  8. Port: 465 Timeout: 60 seconds (default)
  9. Save & Test


  1. Attach to My Record (Selecting this option will always choose the My Record as the default “Schedule With”). The Schedule With selections are chosen at time of “Send to Act!”, and is a multi-select dropdown, meaning you can choose one or more users
QuickTasks Settings Defaults
  1. Attach with Selected “Schedule For” user is intended to save time. If you’d like to delegate a task to another Act! user, then you’ll want the Schedule For and Schedule With to be the same user. As mentioned above, Schedule With is selected at time of Send to Act!, whereas Schedule For is selected on a per task basis. Simply click the ellipsis at the end of Task and you’ll see the user selector four options down. Schedule For options are always single select
  2. Email Scheduled With Users: is checked by default. Deselecting this option disables the email reminders when tasks are assigned
  3. History Creation: This feature is for when Act! activities are cleared in QuickTasks and a History record is created for Act!. This option allows the user to select whether the History will be created at the time/date the activity was originally scheduled or when it was cleared.
  4. Language: QuickTasks is available in both English and French. Our installer will typically detect the default language, but it can be changed after installation if needed with this preference setting
  5. New Task Options: To save users time, we allow them to designate the default activity each time a task is created. All users have different needs, so this preference setting allows them to configure this default setting based on their unique needs.
  6. Activity Type Defaults: allows you to configure the default priority and colour of each activity type , so that if you select a “call” or “appointment” in QuickTasks, the task colour and priority will be set automatically.


The Linktivity section of the preferences is for supporting Task syncing across multiple instances of the QuickTasks Windows application, as well as the mobile clients (released in April 2021). The Linktivity settings are also intended to support offl ine back-up of all your data.

Linktivity.net is the website featuring all Link2 online applications, and Link2tasks is the specific service required to support Task syncing. The preferences here provide a link to setting up a Link2task trial, as well as link to the Linktivity.net website.

The account setup URL for Linktivity is https://app.linktivity.net/Account/ Register, which is where you can create your free 2-week trial. Once you’ve established your new account credentials, enter your user name and password into the fields provided.

  1. Click “Test Connection” to confirm your account credentials.
  2. Offline Mode: This feature helps users improve program performance when working in a slow or no Internet environment.
  3. Last Refresh: As in other places of the preferences, “last Refresh” indicates the date of last sync or import. This fi eld will continually update to refl ect the last Linktivity sync. By default during original setup, the Last Refresh date will be set to one month prior to the setup date. If you need to go back and capture the data again, you can set the date to an earlier time and then click “Reset Date” to force a capture of all related data back to that date.


  1. FILE>IMPORT: Often users will either have an existing list of tasks which they’ve either received from others, or have been composed in another program that were exported to either an Excel, CSV, or TXT fi le format. These can be imported into QuickTasks very easily, especially since only one import column is supported – namely tasks. In these instances, be sure to give the first row a name like “Tasks”, because QuickTasks will be expecting to map to that column, and will therefore skip over the first row assuming it to be a column header. Please note additional details like user, dates, time, etc. are not supported at this time.
  2. FILE > EXIT: Self explanatory
  3. TOOLS > REFRESH TASKS: This feature forces a refresh on the displayed board, and is useful when emails are sent to QuickTasks from Outlook
  4. TOOLS > ERASE CLEARED TASKS: It is great that QuickTasks has the “Showed Cleared Tasks” filter, but over time these can become more of a mess than is worth keeping. For this reason, we created the Erase Cleared Task function.
  5. TOOLS > PREFERENCES: Preferences are covered earlier
  6. TOOLS > DATABASE MAINTENANCE: QuickTasks stores all the data in an SQL Lite database for speed or access or proper data storage and structure. Like any database, it requires regular maintenance as well as backup and restore functions to safeguard the data. This is especially important in cases where the user does not have offline storage with Link2tasks
  7. HELP > KNOWLEDGEBASE: Direct link to our Keystroke Knowledgebase which includes support articles on all our programs
  8. HELP > CONTACT SUPPORT: Direct link to our support page. Charges may apply for screen sharing support sessions.
  9. HELP > CHECK FOR UPDATES: Provides access to the latest in-version updates of QuickTasks. Upgrades to newer versions are not supported through this update feature and must be purchased separately.
  10. HELP > ABOUT: Displays the publisher information (us), the product version number, our website and copyright information, as well as a utility for de-activating the software if you wish to move it to another machine.


CREATE (01):

Creating a task is as simple as typing into the pink field that says “Enter New Task Here” and hist ENTER when complete

EDIT (02):

To edit the text of a task, simply click into an exist task and start typing

CLEAR (03):

Click the checkbox to the left of the task and then select Clear Tasks from the left Toolbar

DELETE (04):

Repeat the same steps as clear, but click Delete Task instead

SEND TO ACT! (05):

Once you have written up a task and want to send it to your Act! database for follow-up, simply click the checkbox and select Send to Act!. If you do not change any options, the task will come across as a timeless “To-Do” in Act! on the day it was sent to Act!. The Schedule For and Schedule With will both be the My Record according to your login credentials in the Preferences


See Webplanner details lower in manual, but this feature supports sending tasks to Webplanner.com instead of Act!. The main difference with this process is selecting whether they will be sent to an existing project, or if a new one will be created for these tasks.


The Filter feature on the left Toolbar allows you to toggle viewing of cleared tasks on or off. When a cleared task is visible, a user can click on the ellipsis at the end of the task and select Unclear.

  • Show only Dateless activities
  • Filter by User (specifically the “scheduled for” setting in the Task Details. When this filter option is selected, a list of available users (imported from Act!) will be displayed to allow you to choose one or more to fi lter by).
  • Filter by Priority (low, medium, or high). This filter allows you to select one or more priorities to filter the QuickTask list by.
  • Filter by Type (call, meeting, appointment, To Do, etc.). This filter allows you to select one or more activity types to filter the QuickTask list by.

If you’d like to change the display order of tasks, QTFA includes up and down arrows on the Top Toolbar. Simply click into the task you’d like to move and then use the up or down arrows to place that task where you wish


One of the hidden powers of QTFA is the ability to group a number of subtasks under one task for simple project management. This allows you to create a small project name, and then list a number of related tasks under it.

This grouping is not only visually intuitive for project management, but it allows you to select all tasks in the project at once by clicking on the parent task, and then transfer them together to Act! as a group of related tasks, as well. When subtasks are transferred together, QTFA creates the task in Act!, and inserts the name of the parent task in curly brackets as a prefix to the subtask description.

This allows the Act! user to click on the “Regarding” column header in the Act! Task list to group the related tasks.

Users should not the parent task is NOT transferred during the process and will remain in QTFA to be deleted or serve as a parent for additional subtasks.


Task (01):

The first field displayed is the Task description itself, which runs the width of the Details Window.

Parent Task (02):

The second fi eld is the parent task, which displays the name of another task it may be nested under. If this task is not nested under another task, it will display “-None-“. By clicking the dropdown arrow at the end of this fi eld, the full list of available Tasks on the root of that particular board will be displayed.

Details (03):

A memo fi eld allowing significantly more text based details relating to this task. This also feature includes an elevator bar if the details run longer than the viewable space of the memo fi eld can display.

task fields

Please note that the circled ellipsis in the QuickTask list displays as a black circle with white dots when there is text in the details window, and white with black dots when it’s empty. The details window is especially useful for displaying the body of an email when an Outlook inbox item is transferred to QuickTasks

Please note that clicking on Tools > Refresh is sometimes required to display a Task transferred form Outlook.

A new feature of QuickTasks is the Microsoft Outlook plugin that features the “Send to QuickTask” feature. Simply right-click on an email in a supported 32-bit version of Microsoft Outlook, and select “Send to Quicktasks” and that email will appear in the open board of QuickTasks. The subject line of the email will appear as the Task, and the body of the email will appear in details. No contact or user linkage is supported at this time.


Activity Details (01):

Date, Time, Type, Alarm, Priority, duration, cost, and User (updated). To provide improved compatibility with Act!, QuickTask allows users to set all the activity details of a particular Task, including Date, Time, Activity Type, Priority, and Scheduled For.

The Alarm feature remains unavailable until a date & time is selected. When a time is selected before a date, the date will default to that day.

The drop down list of available Act! users from the Scheduled For fi eld is updated each time a new connection to Act! is made via the API or the SDK. If the list is missing any users, simply go into the Preferences and under “Act! Connection” click on “Test Connection” button and the user list will be refresh with a successful connection.

The “Scheduled For” option is a single select fi eld much like in Act!, and will default to the My Record settings in Preferences. We recommend this be set to the user responsible for this task as it will facilitate easier transfers to Act! of more than one task.

Please note all icons in the Activity Details are greyed when no details are selected, but become animated instantly in colour when a specific selection is made.

Task fields
Scheduled With (02):

This field requires the user to click on the ellipsis at the end of the field to launch the Contact Selector feature. Similar to Act!, the available contacts are listed on the left, and the selected contacts are listed on the right. There are two radio buttons at the top to filter by Contacts & users or users only. Select according to need.

At the top of the left side list is a peach coloured search fi eld where you enter in the first or last name of the contact you’re searching for. Once found, you can click the appropriate chevron in the middle to move them to the right side. Double clicking on the contact will have the same effect.

Once you have move all the contacts involved with the task to the right, click the SEND button to return to the Task Details screen. The select contacts will appear in the Schedule With fi eld. Please note typing their name into the fi eld without using the select contact feature will not be recognized by the program.


Select Colour (03):

This allows you to override the default colour for that Task or Activity type. A wide selection of colours are available to choose from, as well as the ability to specify specific RGB codes for custom colours.

Clear Task (04):

Clear the task and remove it from the list view once “Save & Close” is clicked. Please note that the same button switches to “Undo Clear” when “Clear Task” is clicked. Clicking on “Undo Clear” returns the button to normal, and reverses the clear action.

Save & Close (05):

Self explanatory; Save: Save without closing; Close: Closes the task without saving.


QuickTasks contains many powerful functions when users right-click on either a single task, or when they select one or more tasks and then rightclick. These options include:

Insert QuickTask Here (01):

This allows a user to click into any task and then invoke this feature to insert a task into the next line. This feature is especially useful when working with nested subtasks when you want to add another nested subtask at the same level and under the same parent task.

Nest Under (02):

This allows users to select one or more tasks and then choose another task to nest them under. This is a time-saving function when a number of tasks are scattered around a board and quickly need to be organized under one task.

Transfer to Selected Board (03):

This allows users to check one or more tasks and transfer them to another board, while preserving their nested status (more on Boards in the next section).

Quicktasks Right Click
"Collapse All” and “Expand All” (04):

This allows users to toggle between having all their nested items on a particular board displays or hidden. This can be done manually for a particular nested set of tasks by clicking on the down pointing chevron to the left of the parent task. This nested set can then be expanded again by clicking on the same chevron that is now pointing right when collapsed.

Duplicate (05):

When creating similar tasks, right-clicking and selected “Duplicate” can save time typing, especially when similar tasks are being assigned to different people

Delete Task (06):

Self explanatory


In addition to the up/down and indent/outdent toolbar options described earlier, there are also a number of addition commands available, which should be noted apply only to the board currently being displayed. These additional functions are as follows:

Select All (01):

Checks all the tasks on a particular boards

De-Select All (02):

Clear the checks from all task boxes.

Export to Excel (03):

This function exports all tasks from that board and saves them in a new Excel fi le. This function preserves the nested relationship with each of the tasks by displaying them in collapsible rows

Export to Word (04):

This function exports all tasks from that board and saves them in a new Word fi le. The nested relationship with each of the tasks are preserved.

Export to PDF (05):

This function exports all tasks from that board and saves them in a new Adobe PDF fi le. The nested relationship with each of the tasks are preserved.

Copy to Clipboard (06):

This function copies all tasks from that board, while preserving the nested relationships. This feature is useful for pasting into an email to send to another user, or simply message board like Slack


Boards are a QuickTask “workspace” feature. Much like how users can nest or indent some tasks under others for grouping related tasks, Boards allows them to defi ne a full workspace for a specific purpose. Whether it be a project, department, or general subject matter, Boards allows you to enter as many related tasks as you like without cluttering them amongst unrelated tasks in the main board.

Boards are accessed from the top right dropdown list of the QuickTask program window, and the three Board functions are displayed within that window:

Board dropdown list (01)

Down pointing triangle

Add Board command (02)

(+ plus sign)

Delete board (03)

(X sign) – when a board is deleted, the user will be prompted to select which board to transfer the orphaned tasks to

The last two functions must be invoked with a board selected. The default board cannot be deleted.

QuickTasks allows users to create as many Boards as they need, and all the export functions at the top menu, namely Export to Excel, PDF, and Word are all specific to the active board.

Transferring Tasks to another Board:

Tasks can be created in one board, say they default, and then transferred to another board as needed. Frequently this will be when enough tasks are created on one subject in a board that these tasks justify having their own board.

In these instance, the user creates the new board, returns to the original board and selects all the tasks that need to be transferred by checking the box to the left of each. When all related tasks are check, simply right-click on one of the selected tasks, and click “Transfer Selected to Board”. This will present the window with the drop down of all available Boards, allowing the user to choose the appropriate one and click the Re-assign button.


QTFA understands that proper task management cannot simply involve creating and delegating tasks, but following up on those delegations, as well. The problem with assigning a task is that once it gets transferred to Act!, it’s easy to lose track of what, when, and to whom you assigned those tasks.

QTFA has you covered with Follow-Ups.

QTFA keeps track of the tasks you assign to others and then transfer to Act!, and displays them in a list under the Follow-ups section to help confirm they get done. QTFA not only displays the tasks that you’ve assigned, but it clears them from view once they’re marked as complete in Act!. This allows you to narrow your focus on the outstanding tasks only. And each time you click on Refresh Data (01) in Follow-Ups, QTFA checks the Act! database for updates, and displays the updated list of those remaining uncleared tasks.

QTFA, also supports the same linked Task feature for Webplanner. Like Act!, the tasks remain linked after sending them to Webplanner, and clearing them in either location will clear them from the other. When we added support for Sending to Webplanner, we isolated the refreshing features for each with separate icons on the toolbar, one for refreshing tasks sent to Act! and the other for the tasks sent to Webplanner.

You can even select any outstanding tasks and, in one click (02) , email out (03) the users again to remind them that their tasks remain to be completed.

Follow ups


Timeline is a tab where all your “scheduled” tasks are aggregated and displayed in simple grid view to clarify what tasks are coming up, and when. Each of the columns, namely Activity Type, Priority, Date, Time, Scheduled With, Scheduled For, and Board are displayed, and these list of scheduled tasks can be sorted or filtered by the column headers. Columns can also be resized to suit the users needs, as can the program itself.

Other Timeline features include:

  • Users can also right-click on any part of a task and select “Go to task” and they will be taken to that task. (01)
  • Tasks can be cleared or deleted from the Timeline view. Simply check the box to the right of the task in question, and click either of the functions from the left command menu. (02)
  • Clicking refresh will update the timeline with any new scheduled tasks (03) SEARCH feature
  • Quick Tasks supports searching across all Tabs in Act! from the search field in the top right corner of the application. The search is contextual, and will only display results from the open tab or board. When the filters a set to display cleared tasks, the search will work with those too.


One of the more powerful features of QuickTasks is its ability to import the user’s activities from Act!, and then sort, filter, and clear them from within the QuickTask program.

Simply click Refresh Data from the toolbar, and QuickTasks will import/update your activities either locally through the SDK connection or remotely via the Act! WebAPI.

Much like in Act!, these tasks will be displayed in grid view, allowing your to sort all your tasks by clicking on the column headers. Unlike in Act!, though, QuickTasks allows you to filter your list by the column headers, as well. For instance, you can click on the Priority column header and filter only “high” priority activities, or click on Type and filter on only “To-Do’s”. With QuickTasks, the choice is yours.

The columns displayed in the Act! Activities tab are as follows:

  • Clearing checkbox (01)
  • Activity type (02)
  • Priority (03)
  • Date and time (04)
  • Scheduled with (05)
  • Regarding (06)

Notably absent is the Scheduled For, which is not required since QuickTasks will only import the My Record’s activities.



The ability to import Act! contacts from a group in Act! was introduced in version 66 of QuickTasks. This did require an additional setting in the preferences under Act! Connection called “Group Name. Once the connection is made to Act! via the Web API, KAPI, or the SDK.

Once the appropriate group is set in the preferences, the user clicks on “Refresh Data” under the Act! Contacts tab to download all the contacts from that group. This download process is normally pretty quick, but duration will be influenced by the number of contacts in the group. Once the download is complete, compare the number displayed at the bottom right of the QT screen with the number in the Act! group.

Searching amongst the contacts is done by clicking the appropriate column header you wish to search by, and then selecting the “filter” icon. This will present a search dialogue box you can use to fi nd the contact you’re looking for. This feature is design to allow cumulative searches, so once one search is complete you can start another one until all the contacts you’re looking for are selected.

By checking the box to the left of each, a user can then right-click and select “create task”. This will bring up an empty task window, save for the Scheduled With fi eld, which will be populated with the contacts you selected.

If contacts are not displayed in QTFA that you believe to be in the group in Act!, simply click Refresh Data and a new download will be run.


Earlier versions of QTFA focused primarily on user-to-user task assignments. As we added support for downloading Act! Contacts (see above), the opportunity for collaborating with people outside the team became available, so we decided to introduce Webplanner.com into the mix.

Webplanner.com is an online project management program that was already compatible with Act!. By integrating QTFA with Webplanner.com, users could assign tasks to people outside the organization as part of an online project, and then invite those people to collaborate with the project free of charge.

The task assignment is identical to the one for Act!, except the user will click Send to Webplanner on the left-side Navbar, and then select a project from the dropdown list to send the tasks to, or create a new project.

It should be noted that to support sending tasks to Webplanner.com, the user will have to update their references to include their Webplanner login and password. Click Test Connection button beneath these data fi elds to confirm connection.


QuickTasks for Act! is a perpetual license product. A one-time fee is all you need to pay to use QuickTasks indefinitely, and in-version updates are included with the purchase price.

QuickTasks for Act! licensing also permits two activations, allowing you to install it on your desktop & laptop, or home and workplace computer. It can even work with you and an assistant.

We realized that having two sets of QuickTasks that are not in sync would undercut the productivity potential of the program so we developed a conduit between the two called Linktivity Sync, which is located on the bottom the leftside command bar.

Linktivity syncing uploads & updates an SQL Lite database for your account on the Linktivity server (an Azure hosted server). This syncing service is called “Link2tasks”, and is a separate subscription (see Linktivity.net for current subscription details).

Link2tasks allows QuickTasks users to sync the QT databases between computers and mobile devices. In June 2021, we released mobile versions of QuickTasks for both IOS and Android to further extend the reach of QuickTasks to where ever you go. Please download the IOS or Android version from their respective online stores. These mobile apps are free of charge, and sync only through the Linktivity server to send and receive updates form the Windows version of QTFA. No syncing with Act! is supported by these mobile apps. (updated, not completely new!)

The Link2tasks subscription also includes upgrade assurance for all future releases of Quicktasks beyond in-version updates. We have quite an ambitious roadmap ahead with QuickTasks and we think each user will want to use the updates we have planned.

That said, users that have a single installation of Act! and QuickTasks may not need the syncing service in QuickTasks, so that’s why this is an optional service.Webplanner subscriptions are sold separately.

  • SQL Lite is the data structure, and we provide numerous utilities to help you maintain, backup, and restore your QT database.
  • Mobile clients sync any tasks you create on your mobile device to the Windows client, from where you can send to Act!, but mobile clients do NOT write directly to Act!, save for clearing activities.
  • Despite being stored on our Linktivity servers, your data is locked down to your account and only accessible with either the mobile or Windows client. No data is ever published.

© 2024 KQC Inc. All rights reserved.