Keystroke Contact Manager - Windows

Before you begin

Please make sure you have the following information:

  • Web API address of your Act! database
  • Name of your Act! database
  • Your Act! username
  • Your Act! password

Installation and API Connection

Download the installer windows-latest.msix from and run it.

Install process by default launches Keystroke Contact Manager, and leads you to 'Get Started' screen.

To connect to your Act! database, you will need to select the URL of your database API based on your geography, or provide custom URL. You will also need to enter database name, your username, and your password.

Sync Settings and Process

Deciding Whether to Sync Opportunities, Histories, and Notes.

Depending on what part of Act! data you expect to use, you will be prompted to include, or exclude Opportunities, Histories, and Notes.

Sync Group(s)

Once you have installed Keystroke Contact Manager and connected to your Act! database, you will be able to select from groups available in Act! for syncing.

You have ability to select multiple groups to sync.

Sync progress popup will report on the progress of syncing both groups.

You will only obtain Act! data for the group(s). If you later decide to change your selection, you can do so by going to SETTINGS in the left navigation, and selecting SYNC GROUP. You may decide to create a special group in Act! which will collect together the contacts which best fit the uses you anticipate in the Keystroke Contact Manager.

Contact Field Mappings

You will also be able to select Act! fields which you require on a regular basis. Most commonly used fields are pre-selected as a default

Initial Sync

With all your settings in place, you will be prompted to start the initial sync.

The program will keep reporting on its progress.

Once the is complete, a Continue button will lead you to your Dashboard

Updating Syncs

Going forward you will be able to update your data by going to SYNC NOW button in the Dashboard, or selecting SYNC STATUS from left navigation, and then SYNC button. The app will let you know how much time has elapsed since your last sync, and then provide you with a detailed report of the sync.

Download All Data

While standard updating sync is faster because it looks for changes in your data, and only updates relevant records, you have the option of executing the equivalent of the initial sync by clicking the three dot menu in the top right corner of the SYNC STATUS screen, and then selecting DOWNLOAD ALL DATA.

Sync Log

Clicking into the text reporting a completed sync, will allow you to copy the report into your clipboard. This allows you to paste the log into an email or a text file and give technical support required details should you experience problems.


The Dashboard is an overview screen which has summary of the most recent sync, as well as listing of the day's Activities, and the Opportunities for the month. It does not have its own entry in the left navigation but using return arrows in other areas of the app will bring you back to the Dashboard.


List View

Default view for the contacts is a List View. It offers filtering and sorting. You can sort contacts by clicking the title of the column you wish to sort by. If you would like to filter and query by field data, simply click the funnel icon next to the title, and the filtering options will be made available.

The Sequence of columns can be adjusted by dragging and dropping column headers.

Common Filters

Some popular common filtering options can be accessed from the top menu.

Filters applied to your set appear in gray area. To remove the filter, simply click into the area.

The footer with the counter at the bottom of the list view will adjust to either your entire set or to filters you will select.

Action Menu in the List View

In the beginning of each row, three dots will allow you to surface action menu for the contact record.

Available functions are:

  • Call
  • Meeting
  • To-do
  • Opportunity
  • Note
  • History
  • Email
  • Quote (using subscription service Link2Quotes, part of Linktivity)
  • Form (using subscription service Link2Forms, part of Linktivity)
  • Add to Favorites
  • Add to Group
  • Open
  • Add to List
  • Update from Act! (This will Sync Act! data for the record.)
  • Delete

Checkmark in the top menu will allow you to access record selector.

Once multiple records are selected, thee can be used to:

  • Schedule an Activity
  • Add to Favorites
  • Add to Group
  • Edit Contact Access
  • Write Email
  • Delete
  • Add to List

Detail View

Clicking a row with contact information will lead you to the Detail View. Tabs allowing you to access History, Activities, Notes, and Opportunities are located at the top.

Toolbar at the top allows you to quickly create the most common types of activities, add opportunities, and send emails. Linktivity subscribers will also be able to take advantage of Form and Quote buttons for Link2Forms and Link2Quotes.

Editing Contact Data

Clicking EDIT button in the detail view will allow you to modify contact information. If you are connected to the Internet, modified and saved contact information will be saved to your Act! database immediately without requiring you to initiate a sync.

Contact information is presented in a default layout.

History, Tasks, Notes, and Opportunities Tabs in Contacts

History, Tasks, Notes, and Opportunities can be created and edited directly from each contact because each of these entities has their own tab in contacts.

Layout Editor

Selecting Edit Layout button will lead you to easy drag-and-drop field editor. Numerical dropdowns at the beginning of each box will allow you to adjust the width of your boxes. Customized layouts need to be saved under easily recognizable names. Use + Add Category from the top menu to insert gray divider sub-headers into your layout.


Available views for the Calendar are Day, 3-day, Work Week, Weekly, and Monthly. Colors used by different activity types can be modified in PREFERENCES > ACTIVITY TYPES.

Creating a New Recurring Task in Calendar

Using '+' icon allows you to create new tasks. While one-time tasks will save directly into Act! and appear in your Task List and Calendar, recurring activities will require a quick sync. This can be done by clicking the orange button which appears in the bottom left corner of the page after a recurring task is created.

Another option is to select Latest Updates Only from the Sync Dropdown from the top right corner.

Task List

List View

Sorting, and filtering in the List view operate similarly to the list view in Contacts, and the tools are accessed by clicking funnel icons next to the column names.

The Sequence of columns can be adjusted by dragging and dropping column headers.

Creating a New Recurring Task

Using '+' icon allows you to create new tasks. While one-time tasks will save directly into Act! and appear in your Task List and Calendar, recurring activities will require a quick sync. This can be done by clicking the orange button which appears at the bottom of the page after a recurring task is created.

Another option is to select Latest Updates Only from the Sync Dropdown from the top right corner.

Common Filters in Tasks

Some popular filtering options can be accessed from the top menu.

The footer with the counter at the bottom of the list view will adjust to either your entire set or to filters you will select.

Action Menu in the List View

In the beginning of each row, three dots will allow you to surface action menu for the task.

Available functions are:

  • Clear
  • Open
  • Add to list...
  • Update from Act! (This will Sync Act! data for the record.)
  • Delete

Task List Multi-select

Checkmark in the top menu will allow you to access record selector.

Once Multiple records are selected, you can act on them by clicking Action button.

Actions available are:

  • Delete
  • Add to list
  • Clear
  • Reschedule
  • Reassign

Task Detail View

Tasks in detail view is standardized and does not offer a layout editor. Tools available are:

  1. 3-dot Action Menu for the record.
  2. Edit button which allows to open a screen to modify task information. If you are connected to the Internet, modified and saved task information will be saved to your Act! database immediately without requiring you to initiate a sync.

Task Alarms

If you would like to be alerted to your upcoming tasks, ensure that your alarm setting is on when you are creating your task, and specify when you would like to be notified. The default time is obtained from Settings > Preferences.

At the required time you will receive ring alarm, and a notification will appear in the bottom right corner of your app.


Opportunity List View

Similarly to Contacts, and Activities, List View for Opportunities offers sorting and complex filtering. The functionality is accessed through funnel icons.

The Sequence of columns can be adjusted by dragging and dropping column headers.

Common Filters in Opportunities

Some popular common filtering options can be accessed from the top menu.


Opportunity list provides you with a counter footer showing the number of opportunities. The grid also displays sum of all opportunities displayed, and their average value.

Action Menu in Opportunities

3-dot icons allow you to surface opportunity action menu.

Checkmark in the top menu will allow you to access record selector.

Opportunity Creator

Clicking '+' icon in the top menu will lead you to new-opportunity creator.

Opportunity Detail View

Opportunity Detail View is accessed by clicking Opportunities in the list view. It is divided between the Opportunity Details and Products tabs. You will be able to reuse the Products set up in your Act! database to calculate opportunity totals. The tools available are in line with the tools in the other areas of Keystroke Contact Manager.

  1. Edit button which allows to open a screen to modify Opportunity information. If you are connected to the Internet, modified and saved Opportunity information will be saved to your Act! database immediately without requiring you to initiate a sync.
  2. Layout editor which helps you to customize your layout.
  3. Opportunity detail tab
  4. Products tab
  5. 3-dot Action Menu for the record.


Left-side navigation also allows you to access a narrower list of your frequent contacts.

From Contact List View, you can add a contact to your favorites by clicking the ellipsis at the front of the row and then selecting Add to Favorites.

In the detail view, you can simply click the star in front of your contact's name.

Highlighted star means contact has been added to the select list.


Groups area gives you the ability to view and edit groups, including making changes in your sync group selection.


Act! Connection

This setting allows you to change the Act! connection settings should you wish to use a different database or if your Act! credentials changed. Logout option will wipe out all data held in Keystroke Contact Manager, and must be used with caution.


General preferences can be accessed by going to SETTINGS > PREFERENCES. They include:

  • Maximum Items per Page
  • Heading Font
  • Font
  • Additional Field
  • Use device favourites
  • Days from Past to Sync
  • Days in Future to sync
  • Default 'Schedule with' contact
  • Default Type
  • Default Priority
  • Default Ring Alarm
  • Default Duration
  • Default Timeless
  • Download Opportunities On/Off
  • Download Only Open Opportunities On/Off
  • Default 'Schedule with' contact (eg My record)
  • Download Histories On/Off
  • Download Notes On/Off
  • Threads to use during sync
  • Items per page during sync (Default is 500)
  • Send e-mails using launcher on/off
  • Open items in new window on/off

Other Settings

Contact Field Mappings Setting

This setting determines with Act! Contact fields will be available in Keystroke Contact Manager.

Opportunity Field Mappings

This setting determines with Act! Opportunity fields will be available in Keystroke Contact Manager.

Sync Group

In this setting you can change Act! group which is being used to Sync your data. To apply the setting, you must re-sync your data. The first sync after group selection change will a Download All Data sync.

Activity Types

This setting will allow you to select colors for different activity types. This will make it easier for you to understand your calendar at a glance.

Wipe Data

This command will delete all application data.

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